Sell your home, and only pay 3% sales commission...
Ready to appoint an agent to sell your home?
Are you sure that you are getting the best possible price and service?
Are you sure you are legally protected if something goes wrong?
If you answered "no" or "I don't know" to the above, we can help.
Here are 3 reasons to Contact Us to sell your home:
As specialist property lawyers, we are fully capable and equipped to sell your home, and also to provide comprehensive legal and conveyancing services on all your property transactions. Since we are attorneys, there is no need to go to an attorney to ensure your Offer to Purchase is legally sound. If one of our property attorneys sells your property, you may also elect to use his or her services to attend to the transfer of the property into the name of the purchaser. Not all sellers know that as the seller, you have the prerogative to appoint the transferring attorney. (Even though the buyer pays the transferring attorney).
If you are looking at buying / selling property, make sure to contact 3%.Com Properties on /