Professionalism and affordability in real estate

The advent of information technology has affected most businesses dramatically and fundamentally with the 'middleman' fast becoming extinct. Entire industries are on the verge of extinction, while others have already faded away (e.g. Kodak camera films).

However, some industries have remained resilient and have actually prospered in spite of this technological revolution. Perhaps not unsurprisingly, one industry that has stood the test of time, is the real estate industry.

Multiple attempts to exclude the estate agent, by connecting the seller and buyer directly to each other through web-based technology, have either been partially successful, or totally unsuccessful. To most people, the purchase of a house is one of the biggest financial decisions of their lives and they are, understandably, apprehensive to do it without professional assistance. Because of the inherent complexity and risk of a property transaction sale, it is difficult, if not impossible, to completely exclude the middle man without the possibility of loss or complete failure. An 'objective' middle man goes a long way in securing the best purchase price for both the seller and buyer.

A property transaction does not end after the successful conclusion of a valid sale agreement. It is only the beginning, after which the next phase, to make the buyer the owner of the property, begins.

The conveyancing process is the most important function of a successful property transfer. Without it, the purchaser will never become the owner of the property and the seller will never get the proceeds of the sale. By combining the functions of the sale and transfer of the property into one single deal, added security and peace of mind (not to forget convenience!) is brought to both seller and buyer.

The training, legal knowledge and expertise of an attorney pre-eminently makes him the preferred person to drive the entire property transaction, from taking the mandate to finally paying the owner the proceeds of the sale.

Due to the high cost of brokerage, particularly in South Africa, price frequently plays a critical part in the success of a transaction. High agent's fees are often deal breakers. At 3%. Com Properties there is not only the expertise of an attorney to ensure a legally binding sale agreement, but importantly, the cost is most reasonable at 3% commission of the sale price, plus VAT*.

3%. Com Properties® attorneys/conveyancers strive to make the sale and transfer of immovable property secure, affordable and efficient.

*Some attorneys may request a minimum commission of R25,000 plus Vat.

Our price is 3% - Our service is 100%.

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)

20 Jun 2019
Author 3%.Com Properties
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