A network of Property Experts

3%.Com is a network of firms with attorneys who specialise in property law, handling the entire spectrum of services related to a property sale. From evaluating the property, working on a professional mandate, right through to marketing, selling, completing the transfer and finally paying the proceeds directly to the seller. A comprehensive service from start to finish.

The concept of 3%.Com Properties, ‘Lawyers Selling Property, it makes sense’, was founded in 2003, and is the original business model and the first network of its kind. Providing the client with better service by using attorneys to attend to all of your real estate needs, providing a more cost-effective, efficient solution.

Beyond being a unique real estate company and somewhat a disruptor to the existing industry, 3%.Com Properties genuinely strives to provide their customers with a more affordable, rounded property solution.  

We are undercutting many of our competitors in terms of price and the broad scope of our service, as such, a lot of false information has been spread about us. We can assure you that our commission is genuinely only 3% plus VAT, and all our legal services (like transfer and bond registration) are charged at the prescribed rates, or less. In fact, we often provide certain legal services ancillary to the sale of a property, free of charge. There are no hidden costs.

Due to the fact that it is a network of attorneys, there is a vast range of services that can be rendered by a member of the 3%.Com Properties group, whether it be attending to an estate or a variety of other legal solutions, providing a real one-stop service. Going beyond what the traditional real estate agency sets out to do.

By working together as a network of firms, the breadth of specialty truly expands, meaning that within our group, we can ensure that we have an attorney, property consultant or conveyancer able to meet your needs, in your area. As of August 2017, our network stands at 45 firms of attorneys making up the 3%.Com Properties’ group.

3%.Com Properties is truly passionate about property and is happy to assist with any of your real estate needs. Please visit www.threepercent.com for more information.

23 Aug 2017
Author 3%.Com Properties
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