3% sales commission explained when selling your property

Are you worried about paying a high sales commission when selling your property?

3%.Com Properties understands that you don't want to pay through the roof in sales commission when selling your property. With us, you can escape the high commission fees of traditional estate agencies and be sure that every stage of your transaction will run smoothly and efficiently.

If you decide to sell your property through a traditional estate agent, they'll charge you anything between 5% and 8% in sales commission. Through 3%.Com Properties, however, you'll get your property sold for a mere 3% in sales commission, whilst also having a single entity in charge of the entire process. Plus, we can also attend to the legal transfer of the property into the name of the purchaser. All these services under one roof!

Learn how our Attorney Agents can assist you in selling your property for merely 3% sales commission.

Click here to visit our website.

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)

23 May 2022
Author 3%.Com Properties
58 of 157